All too often, we dream about taking a vacation but we decided not to, because we’re worried about work and don’t want things to pile up — even if we do have a lot of PTO saved up.
There’s so much competition in the working world today and we might feel like we’re being passed up by a fellow employee when we’re away from the office. While many people are starting to work more flexible schedules, it’s hard to make up an excuse to not be present at work or answer an email when we can do so on our phones, computers, and tablets.
While it makes sense to continue to work and not take vacations for these reasons, it’s also important to realize that vacations are good for your health. In fact, breaks and downtime in any form are essential. Here are three reasons why.
Stress reduction
Vacations can help reduce stress in multiple ways. They get us away from work and help us avoid burnout, promoting creativity and overall well being.
People tend to be less stressed when they don’t have to worry about deadlines, meetings, phone calls, commutes, or work. While technology makes it possible for people to work on vacation, it’s best to encourage people to take a vacation that’s entirely work-free.
Everyone talks about reducing stress, but why is that important? Not only can reducing stress boost your mood and lead to you being happier, of course, but it can also reduce the risk of certain illnesses and diseases. Stress is a nuisance and it’s also unhealthy.
Reduce the risk of heart disease
According to Harvard Health Publishing, women who do highly stressful work have a 40 percent higher risk of heart disease than their colleagues who do less stressful work. That’s why stress management is invaluable. Vacations can help reduce your stress levels, which can help reduce the risk of heart disease.
It’s also recommended that you research any groundbreaking clinical trials to see if new ways of reducing stress come up. These types of clinical trials are meant to detect, prevent, and cure or manage diseases.
Get better sleep
Sleep is one thing that should never go under the radar. Unfortunately, when people need more time in the day, they tend to pull from their sleep bank. But sleep can give you a sharper brain, an improved mood, a healthier heart, and so much more. Getting enough sleep is essential.
So, how does this fall under the category of vacations? Research shows that people tend to sleep better while on vacation. This is due to a number of different reasons, such as people worrying less on vacation since they’re not working or juggling deadlines, meetings, and tasks. Not to mention, people don’t rely on caffeine as much when they’re on vacation (especially later in the day, which can affect your sleep).
Vacations and time away from the office are so important for your health. That’s why you should take advantage of your time off and book a Parasailing Singer Island adventure whenever you can, or any form of vacation that allows you to leave work behind and enjoy the present moment. Time out in the sun and away from work will have you feeling refreshed in no time.
There are many reasons why vacations are good for your health. They reduce stress, reduce your risk of heart disease, and get you better sleep on top of all that.
To read more on topics like this, check out the travel category.