Back when you were a kid, you believed that anything was possible. Not only did you have a real chance at landing your dream career of being an astronaut even though you got motion sickness while riding in the backseat of a car, but you also believed that if you really put your mind to it, you could fly off into the sky like Superman. Being an adult really has the ability to squash your dreams, doesn’t it? Here are some other instances when adulting really isn’t all that great.
Having to Put Away Money
When you were a child, you only had to focus on if you had enough money to buy that candy bar AND a toy at the local store. As an adult, you are hit with other considerations. Should you pay your rent or your utilities on those tight months when money is scarce? The extras are no longer in the game. It is all about the bills. However, thanks to a Montreal loan program, you can still pay off all of your bills on time if you play it smartly.
Going to Bed Early
Those days of being able to stay up until well past midnight to watch movies is mostly a thing of the past. As an adult, if you don’t get the required sleep, your job could suffer. Even worse, your boss may notice. Try explaining to your employer that you showed up late to work because you wanted to watch all the Avengers movies in a row the night before.
Stinking Is No Longer an Option
When you were a child and just finished playing outside, there was a chance that you might smell. But if you did, nobody really mentioned it because it was just kid sweat. However, as a grown-up, try to explain to your family and friends at dinner why you smell like you haven’t taken a shower in weeks and you will be met with disgust.
Eating Whatever You Want
Something sinister seems to happen once you become an adult. Those days of eating whatever you wanted, soda and chips for breakfast, are long gone. In the past, you could eat whatever you wanted and still be in shape. Nowadays, if you eat a full three meals a day and a couple of snacks in between, you are going to be overweight because your metabolism has slowed down. Time to count your macros!