If you’re interested in learning about what emotional intelligence is and how you can recognize individuals who have a high level of emotional intelligence, simply continue reading to discover a handy guide to understanding emotional intelligence.
A guide to emotional intelligence:
What is emotional intelligence?
Individuals who have a high level of emotional intelligence are able recognize and understand their emotions as well as other individuals’ emotions and are able to think about how emotions can sway individuals’ behavior and decision making processes.
What are some signs that an individual has a high degree of emotional intelligence?
1. Supportive and encouraging behavior
Individuals who have a high level of emotional intelligence, can often be found giving other people, such as their family members, friends and colleagues genuine compliments. Those who are emotionally intelligent, are usually adept at recognizing skills in themselves and in others and will be quick to compliment others, when they recognize other individuals strengths.
2. They make sure to give others constructive feedback, instead of overly negative feedback
Such individuals also know how to word feedback and to mix constructive feedback with positivity, so that their feedback will be well received. They know that being overly critical of another individual, will cause the other person to shut down and close themselves off.
3. They aren’t afraid to apologize
Individuals who possess emotional intelligence also aren’t afraid to apologize and to admit when they were at wrong or at fault.
4. They are trustworthy and can be relied on
One reason why people who have a high degree of emotional intelligence, often rise through their career ranks quickly is that they are trustworthy and reliable. As an example, expect individuals who understand emotional intelligence to turn up to all of their meetings on time and to keep their promises.
5. They are confident of their own abilities and don’t hold grudges
Such individuals are far less likely to spiral into negativity due to the actions or opinions of another individual and instead are confident in themselves and their unique abilities. As a result, it’s highly unusual for such individuals to hold grudges as they understand that the reason for other peoples’ negativity is a result of other individuals opinions about themselves and the world.
For that reason, individuals who have emotional intelligence, tend not to take things personally and are able to forgive others, instead of forming resentments towards those who have treated them poorly.
6. They are able to control their thoughts
Individuals who naturally have a high level of emotional intelligence know how important it is to be able to control their own thoughts.
While even people who are emotionally intelligent may slip up from time and time and dwell in negativity, they’ll quickly pull themselves out of their dark thinking patterns, pretty quickly. At least compared with an individual who has average emotional intelligence. Luckily, this can always be improved with practice and help from Genos International emotional intelligence training or similar courses.
Hopefully you now understand the importance of working on your own emotional intelligence, in order to better yourself as a person and to achieve your long term goals.