Since the beginning of time, humans have enjoyed a physical, emotional and spiritual connection with the sea. Humans rely on these bodies of water for commerce, trade and transport, and for their relaxing, meditative and healing properties. Whether you’re on the beach in North Carolina or on sailing tours San Diego, the sea boosts your brain power in many ways. Here are five ways the sea works its magic on your gray matter.
Human brains are often most productive when paired with a relaxed body and mind. Whether you sail or stroll along the shoreline, it’s an opportunity to shrug off daily routines or patterns and gain a fresh perspective. These conditions encourage relaxation and increased brain power. Scientists also link the color blue to increased feelings of calm and relaxation in humans. Therefore, the various shades of sea and sky blues may be a major contributor to your feeling of relaxation when you’re at or on the sea.
2. Inspires Meditation
The rhythmic and repetitious lapping of waves inspires meditation. Sitting on a beach and watching or hearing the waves roll in can be a powerful meditative tool. It’s little wonder that “white noise” or sleep machines and guided meditations often feature wave sounds. The lapping rhythm of waves is like the humans’ regular heartbeat, which can also inspire meditation and a contemplative atmosphere.
3. Furthers Compassion
Seas that support marine mammal life such as dolphins and whales serve to further compassion in humans. This is because humans tend to be more compassionate towards animals they perceive as intelligent. Whether you check out the California seals in Monterrey or enjoy the best whale watching San Diego, you are furthering your compassionate nature without even realizing it!
4. Boosts Creativity
If you’ve ever walked on the beach or paddled out beyond the breakers, you may have found yourself thinking more creatively. Perhaps you’ve worked through a work or relationship problem while getting away from it all at the sea. The sea’s “blank canvas” may well be one of the reasons you find yourself feeling more creative. The notion of the limitless, possibility-filled horizon might be another reason your creativity ramps up and delivers you a new solution to the problem you’re facing.
5. Increases Well-Being
It’s easy to feel energized and refreshed at the sea, and this may be due to the sea air’s properties. Iodine, magnesium and salt contribute to humans’ energy, and they are all found in the sea air. They can ease allergies and skin complaints, improve asthma systems, and aid respiratory health and the immune system.
Book Your Seafaring Experience Today
Now that you know at least five ways in which the sea can boost your brain power, consider booking a sailing trip for its many benefits. If you’re looking for a solo or a “team building outing near me” for your corporate, family or friend group, contact your local sailing experts. An experienced, licensed outfitter will work with you to recommend the trip that will best suit your unique needs and goals.